2 balls
- 312, 3|501, 3|50140
- 34030, 41131, 41401
- 3|6011501 (Siteswaps DVD)
3 balls
Period 3
- 423, 441, 531
- 46|801 (TENTA)
Period 4
- 7131 (high-low shower)
Period 5
Max Throw: 5
- 44403 (nice for learning 4)
- 4+51+41 (in and out of 51)
- 34512, 53142, 52413 (magic sequence permutations)
- 53403 (nice one for 534)
- 52512 (baby juggling)
- 4|55050 (snake), 55140, 45501 (related to 55514)
- 55500 (3up)
Max Throw: 6
- 46401, 64140, 64113
- 46131, 63141, 63501 (Andreas favorite)
- 62313 (slam that zip!)
- 4|61251 (double async box)
Max Throw: 7
- 72312 (looking like 531 but not…)
- 5|61701 (one of my favourites)
- 45|70701 (good exercise for 7)
- 44|70350 (cool snake variation)
- 5|711
- 35511
- 62511
- 4|61611 (very nice & aesthetic)
- 4|67011
Period 7
Max Throw: 5
- 4512+531, 5241+531
- 4515501
- 531+441+3
Max Throw: 6
- 5516031
- 561+1413, 561+5013, 561+5040, 561+3042
- 5263041, 5264013 => 5246031 (0-6 perm.)
- 5261511, 5261313
- 6231+531, 6312+531
- 631+5141, 631+5501, 631+6131, 631+6401
- 6350403
- 6360141, 6360501
- 6416031
- 4516131 => 4516401
- 0123456 => 45601+41 => 4560+501
- 4612413 (simple and nice)
- 4615140 => 6415041 (perm.)
- 4613502
- 6236031
- 6235041, 6251403
- 6261141, 6261501
- 4|6161601 (3 in one hand!)
- 44|6051603 (amazing)
Max Throw: 7
- 6370131 (63501 on steroids!)
- 4470+231 (slam the zip!)
- 4740501 (nice one)
- 4+7131+41
- 4713501
4 balls
Period 2
- 53 (half shower)
- 71 (shower)
Period 3
- 534
- 552
- 642, 5|561
- 5|741, 55|714
Period 5
- 534+44 => 7333444 (Tennis fun variation!)
- 55514, 46451
Nice with 6s
- 63524, 45623 (columns + 3 out), 45641 (columns)
- 5|66161 (6 ball training favorite)
- 66251
- 63+641
- 5+561+3, 63551 (63501 evolution!)
With a 7 :)
- 5|72722 (552 extension to almost snake :)
- 75251 (async => sync => async => …)
- 74414 (tight)
- 7531(4) (Tower)
- 5|75161
With an 8 (AMAZING)
- 5|68141 (TENTA)
- 55|81461 (TENTA)
- 5|58142 (8 as an outside throw, see video)
- 5|68501 (tough, but nice when you get it running)
Period 7
- 5+561+551
- 63+561+34 (TENTA)
1-7 Permutations
- 1234567 (magic sequence)
- 6372+451 (TENTA, throw 7 in between 6 and 3)
- 63+751+24 (TENTA, same ‘inside’ 7 throw)
- 7362+514 (AMAZING => 6 as column)
514 Combinations
- 5661+514 (6’s outside is best)
- 7461+514 (NICE, evolution from 4615140!)
- 7425+514 (EVEN NICER)
6 ball training
- 5|6716161
- 6366151 (amazing)
- 5|66161 => 5|6616162 (nice extension) => 5|8416261 (bring it higher!)
- 6481441, 8441641 (both nice and straightforward, 441’s)
7 ball practice
- 5|7272712 (baby juggling)
- 56|7707070 (snake)
- 5|7770700 (3 and 1), 555|7077700 (1 and 3)
- 6|6716071 (see video)
- 7427242 (nice!)
- 5|8518501 (TENTA)
- 8441+8414+81441 (13-period, Ben Beever, Siteswaps DVD)
5 balls
Period 3
- 645
- 744, 753
- 66|771, 66|861
Period 5
With 7s
- 77722 (3up), 7777700 (5up)
- 6|77272 (snake)
- 74464
- 67+561, 66+751, 75+661 (AMAZING permutations!)
- 75751
With one 8
- 86461, 6|66814
- 68551
- 85+561
- 8444(555…)
- 88441
- 97531
Period 7
- 6777161 (3 7’s, 55514-like)
- 6777701 (4 7’s, nice!)
- 774-714-744 (very nice combo)
6-ball training
Work on the “scoop” motion!
- 645, 64645
- 66661 (4 6’s)
- 666660(5) (5 6’s)
6 balls
- 6 Fountain (practice until failure :)
- Half shower (75)
- 756
- 774
- 864