
Passing patterns! Yay!

Manipulation patterns

Intercepts (I), substitutions (S), carries (C), and so on…

3 people

4+ people

  • Scrambled-V
    • Variations: 3,B,Toast,Zig-Zag
    • Scrambled-3V combo: 2 manipulators
    • Kennedy: 4-count Roundabout + 2 manipulators, helicopter version
    • Ambled-V: +1 club, double passes
  • Cambled-V
    • Ambled-V variation
    • All start right-handed at the same time!
    • Feeder passes left-handed!
    • All passes are crossed!

2 person passing

Non-manipulation, non-moving patterns for 2 jugglers :)


  • “s” => self (3)
  • “z” => zip (1)
  • “p” => single pass
  • “d” => double pass
  • “||” => straight pass
  • “X” => cross pass
  • “1|2” => start with 1 club on the left hand and 2 on the right
  • “J1” => Juggler 1, “J2” => Juggler 2
  • J1 does straight passes (||) and starts first (unless otherwise indicated)


Workshop collection

  • 522 (zap,zip,zip), 552 (zap,zip,zap)
  • 646455 (self,self,zap vs zap)
  • zap intro - 56464 (both: self,self,zap) - 5 is magic
  • 56662 - 5 is magic
  • 645 (Killer Bunny - answer zap with self,zap)
    • 64555 (Funky magazine rack)
  • 5 (1-count with zaps)
    • zaps (X) vs tomahawks (||)
    • zaps (||) vs bxxs (d,X)
  • 7a224 - single passes as zaps, and 5’s as double selfs!
  • 756 family:
    • 75666 (2+3-count mix with zaps - 5 is magic)
    • 756 (Baby Dragon)
    • 75756 (2 magic 5s!)
  • 85566

3-5 clubs

  • 720 - (501-like)
    • J1: (0|2, ||, p-wait-1)
    • J2: (0|1, X, 1-wait-p)
  • 1-count (singles)
    • p31 (726)
    • d3131 (96262)
  • 41p31 (why-not)
  • Parsnip (ppzpz)

6 clubs

Sync passing

  • 1,2,3,4-count
    • Pyramid variations
    • 1-count singles (p,X) vs bxxs (d,X)
    • 1-count singles (p,||) vs tomahawks (d,||)
    • Jim’s 2-count - 77466
  • 3-count variations
    • 3d2 (early X-double)
    • 4d1 (early X-double) - nice one, 441-ish
    • 42p, (4X)2(pX)
    • Jim’s 3-count (77466666)
  • pps, ppsps (bookends)
    • pps with 2 early doubles: ppdd13-pps

Async (siteswap) passing

  • Why-not - 77862
    • J1: (2|2, ||, p3p41) or (1|2, ||, p41p3)
    • J2: (1|2, X, 41p3p) or (1|2, X, p3p41)
    • Add an early double (Katia’s idea): pd241 (p => ||, d => X) - 92478, has a stack
  • Maybe - 78672
    • J1: (1|2, ||, p314p)
    • J2: (1|2, X, 4pp31)
  • Mild Madness - 7777266
    • J1: (1|2, ||, pp13pp3)
    • J2: (1|2, X, pp3pp13)
  • All throws from flip (4) to heff (8)
  • 978822, 441’s with one double
    • J1: (1|2, X, d41)
    • J2: (1|2, X, p41)

5-club vs 7-club patterns

  • 5 club Why-not? vs 5-count Popcorn
    • J1: (1|2, ||, p3141)
    • J2: (1|2, X, 44p33)
  • Parsnip vs funky bookends
    • J1: (1|2, ||, ppzpz)
    • J2: (1|2, X, p4pp3)


  • Why-not to (popcorn, 5-club why-not) => instead of p3p41, do p33+44
  • Why-not to Maybe => instead of p3p+41, do pss+4pp31

Siteswaps with single + double pass

  • 972 - has a stack
    • J1: (1|2, (X,||), d1p) - don’t do the zip the first time!
    • J2: (1|2, (X,||), pd1)
  • Not likely - 96672 - has a stack
    • J1: (1|2, (d => X), d313p)
    • J2: (1|2, (p => X), 3pd31)
  • Maybe not - 79662
    • J1: (1|2, (d => X), p31d3)
    • J2: (1|2, (p => X), d3p31)
  • Israeli bicep curls - 97842
  • Odnom - 7772964 - has a stack

7 clubs

  • 1-count (singles)
  • 2-count (sd or sp)
  • 3-count
    • Async version (doubles): dss - (J1: ||, J2: X)
    • Sync version (Techno, singles): (RH p, LH 3)(RH 3)(LH p, RH 3)(LH 3) - (J1: ||), (J2: X)
  • Popcorn patterns
    • 5-count popcorn (78686) - can be 53 (triple,self) instead of 44
    • 6-count popcorn with straight double passes (44d333)
  • French 3-count - 786)
    • J1: (2|2, ||, p34)
    • J2: (1|2, X, 4p3)
  • 2-count vs French 3-count
    • J1: (2|2, ||, p34)
    • J2: (1|2, ||, dss)
  • Funky Bookends - 77786)
    • J1: (2|2, ||, pp3p4)
    • J2: (1|2, X, p4pp3)
  • Vitoria - 7778686)
    • J1: (2|2, ||, pp33p44)
    • J2: (1|2, X, p44pp33)
  • 88892 (nice with 441, but difficult!)
    • J1: (1|2, X, 4414d)
    • J2: (2|2, ||, 4d441)
  • 7-club why-not - 9968926
    • J1: (2|2, X, d3d3d41)
    • J2: (1|2, ||, d41d3d3)
  • 7-club maybe (1) - 9969268
  • 96677 (single + double passes, bookends variation)
  • 979962
    • J1: (2|2, X, dd3)
    • J2: (1|2, (p => X), pd1)

8 clubs

  • 7a7a6 - Sven ???
  • 996 - dds
  • 2-count (ds, sync)
  • 978888
    • J1: (2|2, X, d44)
    • J2: (2|2, X, s44)
  • 979968
    • J1: (2|2, X, dd3)
    • J2: (2|2, (p => X), pd4)

6-handed siteswaps

The only online document on 6-handed siteswaps I know is this one. With regard to the hand-order, the aforementioned document mentions the standard (Ar-Bl-Cr-Al-Br-Cl) and the staggered (Ar-Al-Br-Bl-Cr-Cl) sequence, where A,B,C are the jugglers, and r = right hand, l = left hand. In most patterns listed below, we have tried both the standard and a new hand order (Ar-Br-Cr-Al-Bl-Cl, let’s call it all-rights-all-lefts), which made more sense to me compared to the one called staggered. In most cases (but not all!), the patterns got more irregular (harder passes) and less interesting when using different hand orders from the standard one. So, in all patterns listed below, we will use the standard hand order, unless otherwise specified.

8 clubs

  • Mayday zap - a37979999, video, every juggler does something different
  • Why-not with zaps (name?) - 8839c
    • Local is zap,3,zap,4,1

9 clubs

  • 2-count mix - aa7999
    • Hand-order is all-rights-all-lefts
  • Gare du Zap - a8999, video
    • Hand-order is all-rights-all-lefts
  • Why-Not Triangle - aaac993bbbcc933, video
    • Local siteswaps: 2 x a9bc3 and 1 x b9ac3
  • Fast & lofty singles - abc39
    • Local is fast-single,1,lofty-single,3,4 for all jugglers

10 clubs

8-handed siteswaps

Feeds and Triangles

In this section, “Feeds” and “Triangles” refer to patterns for 3 people. In feeding patterns, one person (the feeder) passes to the other two (the feedees). The feedees don’t pass to each other.

Useful notation:

  • “F” => Feeder
  • “LF” => Left-Feedee and “RF” => “Right-Feedee” refer to the two feedees/passers as the feeder views them
  • “R” => starts right-handed, “L” => starts left-handed
  • “||” => straight passes, “X” => cross passes

9 clubs

  • Triangle sync counts (2,3,4-count, pps, ppsps)
  • Gorilla: 1-count feeds two 2-counts
    • F: (R, ||, 1-count) - first pass to LF
    • LF: (R, ||, 2-count)
    • RF: (L, ||, 2-count) - starts on 2nd beat
  • 2-count feeds two 4-counts
    • Variation: Runaround (changes feeder - base pattern for Scramble-V)
  • PPS feeds two 3-counts
    • Variation: Runaround (the person who walks does a 4-count, the feeder does a 2-count with the same person that is not moving, the future feeder does sp (2-count) + psppspps…
  • 1-count chocolate bar feed
    • Feeder does 1-count, 2 straight passes in one feedee, 2 in the other
    • Feedees: ppss (one starts two beats later or with ss)
  • Parsnip feeds 5-count popcorn and 6-club why-not
    • F: (R, ||, ppzpz) - first pass to LF, two next to RF
    • LF: (R, X, 44p33)
      • Change to an 8-club pattern with LF: (R, X, 41p31) - starts with 2 clubs
    • RF: (R, X, p41p3)
  • 1-count feast
    • All jugglers do pps out-of-phase
    • All start right-handed
  • ppz feeds two french 3-counts
    • F: (R, ||, ppz) - in,in,out,out
    • LF: (R, ||, 4p3)
    • RF: (R, ||, 34p)
  • ppzspps feeding two Jim’s 3-counts
    • Feeder: ||, feedees: X

10 clubs

  • Gorilla
    • F: (L, 2|2, X, 1-count) - first pass to LF
    • LF: (R, ||, 2-count)
    • RF: (L, ||, 2-count)
  • 2-count feeds two 4-counts with doubles
    • Variation: Runaround (when the feeder changes - base pattern for Ambled-V)
  • 6-club why-not feeds two 5-count popcorns
    • F: (R, 2|2, ||, p3p41) - starts with LF
    • LF: (R, X, 44p33)
    • RF: (R, X, 3344p) or wait for feeder’s pass and do: (R, X, 44p33)
  • 6-club Maybe feeds two 5-count popcorns
    • Same configuration as above pattern, RF waits 1 beat less time for feeder’s pass
  • Funky bookends feeds 5-count popcorn and 6-club why-not - COLLISIONS?
    • F: (R, 2|2, ||, pp3p4) - first pass to LF, two next to RF
    • LF: (R, X, 44p33)
    • RF: (R, X, p41p3)
  • 3-count feeds two 6-count popcorns
    • F: (L, 2|2, X, 3-count) - starts with LF
    • LF: (R, 1|2, ||, 44p333) - passes with right hand
    • RF: (R, 1|2, ||, 33344p) - passes with left hand
  • pss feeds two french 3-counts
    • F: (R, 2|2, ||, pps)
    • LF: (R, 1|2, ||, 4p3) - start exactly the same time as F, fast single pass
    • RF: (R, 1|2, X, 34p) - start 1 beat later than F, lofty single pass

11 clubs

  • 2-count feeds two 4-count popcorns with doubles
    • F: (R, 2|2, ||, ds) - first pass to LF, second to RF
    • LF: (L, 2|1, ||, 344d) or (R, 1|2, ||, 44d3) but waits 1 beat
    • RF: (L, 2|2, ||, 4d34)
    • Everybody starts exactly at the same time
  • PPS feeds 3-count with doubles (996 vs 2x966)
    • F: (R, 3|2, dds) - out,out,in,in, starts with 5 clubs
    • LF: (R, 1|2, X, dss)
    • RF: (R, 1|2, X, sds)

Many people patterns

  • Bruno’s Nightmare (3-count version, 3 people)
    • A giant juggles 3 jugglers (2 do 6-count, one feeds in 3-count and they change roles)
  • Why-not feed for 4+ people
    • Feeders do why-not
    • People at the ends do 5-count popcorn or 5-club why-not
    • Two lines of people
    • One line starts, everyone there has 4 clubs
    • Other line responds, why-not jugglers have 2 clubs, 5-count popcorn start with 3 clubs
    • If starting side does straight passes, everyone can start right-handed.
  • Shooting star (4 people)
    • 5 people, pentagram positioning
    • Idea is that one juggler runs to the extra corner of the pentagram when he/she rans out of clubs
    • Throw to the person that’s right-next to the person that’s right of you!
  • Y (4 people) (2,3,4-count)
  • Weaver (4 people)
    • Feeder: 2-count and feeds like a windshield 3 people
    • Feedees: 6-count and moving as a 3-people cascade
  • Feast (1-N people)
    • Pass clockwise!
    • Hand-feast (nice variation, feels like Jim’s)
  • Dropback Line
    • 3 people: A,B vs C => A passes to C, C to B, B dropbacks to A
    • 4 people: A,B vs C,D => A passes to C, C dropbacks to D, D to B, B dropbacks to A
  • 5-count Star with doubles (5 people, 16 clubs)
    • Pentagram positioning, 5-count
    • Double passes
    • 16 clubs (one person holds 4 clubs and starts throwing in the 1st beat)
    • In each beat a different person throws a double (5 beats in total)
    • Throw crossing passes to the same person (the same person you would throw if you were doing a 4-count Star). Your right hand pass goes to his right hand, etc.



Mostly side-by-side

3 clubs

  • 3p0 (cascade in-hands or out-hands)
  • 2p1 (cascade-ish, in-hand to out-hand)

4 clubs

  • 42p11p
    • ‘4’ are all ‘alone’ (one in each juggler’s hand)
    • 2p: get it up in the air and leave it to fall
    • 1p: give it to the hand of the other juggler that does a ‘4’
    • Variation: change the roles of the two hands in each juggler and 2p becomes a front plane flat quick throw
  • 2p3p12
    • ‘2p’ is the same club and goes up and down
    • ‘3p’ can be a front flat throw

5 clubs

  • 413p2
    3p: front half flat from outside hand to inside hand of the other juggler, can be chest tipping (filmed with Doreen)
  • 332p2
    Second 3 as chest tip, 2p as ‘reverse’ chest tip, 2 reverse active high catch (filmed with Doreen)


Mostly face-to-face

3 Balls

  • 1p (|| vs x)
  • 311p (|| vs x)
  • 1.5p12 (423)
  • 311p1 (||)

4 Balls

  • 311p3p (||)
  • 312 variations: 3p12,31p2,312p,…,3p1p2p!!!

5 Balls