Use this function to determine if a drug combination is part of a vector of other drug combinations. We take care only of pair-wise drug combinations and an internal check is done for alternative drug names, e.g. we check if A-B combination is included, but also for B-A.

is_comb_element_of(drug.comb, comb.vector)



a string in the form A-B (no spaces between the names and the hyphen '-')


a character vector of drug combinations, each one in the form drugname.1-drugname.2


logical, depending if the drug combination is element of the given vector or not.


# TRUE is_comb_element_of("A-B", c("E-F", "A-B"))
#> [1] TRUE
is_comb_element_of("B-A", c("E-F", "A-B"))
#> [1] TRUE
# FALSE is_comb_element_of("A-B", c("E-F", "A-D"))
#> [1] FALSE
is_comb_element_of("A-B", c())
#> [1] FALSE