Use this function to find the number of models that predict a given set of drug combinations (usually the ones found as synergies).

count_models_that_predict_synergies(drug.comb.vec, model.predictions)



a character vector. Elements are (synergistic) drug combinations, each one being a string in the form A-B - no spaces between the names and the hyphen '-')


a data.frame object with rows as the models and columns the drug combinations tested. Possible values for each model-drug combination element are either 0 (no synergy predicted), 1 (synergy was predicted) or NA


the number of models that predict the given drug combination set (have a value of 1 in the respective columns of the model.predictions data.frame). If the given set is empty, we return the number of models that predicted no synergies at all (after the NA values are discarded, the number of rows in the model.predictions data.frame that have only zero values)